ON and ON

Dumebi Ofili
2 min readAug 18, 2023


Don’t give up yet. For the umpteenth time, do not give up on yourself, yet. Find a cliche group of words to hang on to each day. Do the things you keep postponing for later. Ditch routines, thou shall forget redundancy as a way of life. Thou shall look at the sky and find the way the clouds lie, as something to be fascinated about. Thou shall find the grip of these babies, a worthy reward for a grossly unrewarding profession. Thou shall laugh a whole lot, as well as, cry a whole lot. Thou shall remind herself that- somethings she will never figure and she shall be fine.

There is no happy escape, so make this prison a comfy one.

Thou shall pretend she got it all figured out on other days. Thou shall find the little things to celebrate about his life, if he feels weird for not feeling different or prepared for the bigger things happening in his life. Thou shall guiltlessly dream big, realizing her canvas is what she uses. Her canvas is the world. Thou shall drop as many blots and strokes and make art. Thou shall live a little too colorful, remembering that even grey days are colors in its right.

Thou shall not be a stranger to yourself. Thou shall remember there are no hard and fast rules. Thou shall retrace her steps and find solace in her company. Thou shall live on and on and not just exist.



Dumebi Ofili

Believer| Medicine- Interventional Radiology| Tech- AI Enthusiast| WordWeaver| On my way to being world class.